Web Design Trends to Watch in 2024 β€” SitePoint – SitePoint

12 min read

<p><strong>This article will provide a summary of the latest trends in web design, which include artificial intelligence, futuristic minimalism, 3D immersion, dark mode, neumorphic design, artistic typography, and micro-interactions.</strong></p>

The field of web design is constantly evolving with new technologies, progressions, and trends. Web design focuses on developing websites that are both visually attractive and user-friendly, making it important for web designers to stay updated with the latest innovations in order to remain competitive.

The field of web design has seen various trendy concepts in the year 2023 that have carried over to the present year. This article will delve into some of the most notable ones.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a rapidly advancing technology that is changing the way we live and work. It is a form of intelligence that is demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals.

AI is expected to take over the roles of designers, developers, writers, and other technology professionals.

You may have come across a statement like this recently. It's becoming quite common on social media, but despite its persuasive nature, I remain skeptical about the idea of AI completely replacing technology professionals, especially those in creative fields.

The utilization of AI tools and AI design tools has surged in recent times. It is now common for businesses to incorporate ChatBox AI as a virtual assistant on their websites. These chat assistants are typically found in the bottom right-hand corner of a website and prompt users to input their queries regarding products or services, navigation problems, suggestions, and more.

<p>Although these tools are effective, they have not reached the level of perfection that users anticipate. Nevertheless, web designers are utilizing these technologies effectively to enhance performance, boost creativity, and potentially enhance the quality of design choices.</p>

<p>Several web design tools have become popular among web designers in recent years. These tools are not limited to:</p>

– Dall-E, a creation of OpenAI, has gained popularity as an AI tool that can produce realistic digital images and artwork from text descriptions. An example image created by Dall-E is shown below.

– Khroma is an AI tool designed to help users select colors by training the system.

– Vance AI is a tool for designers to enhance, generate, and edit images for their design projects.

– Postcards AI can assist in designing email templates.

<p>OpenAI developed Dall-E, and Dall-E 2 has become increasingly popular as an AI tool for creating lifelike digital images and artworks from text descriptions. An example of an image produced using Dall-E is shown below.</p>

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<p>Khroma is an artificial intelligence tool designed to help you choose colors.</p>

<p>Vance AI is a tool used by designers to enhance, generate, and edit images for their designs.</p>

<p>Postcards AI is capable of creating email templates.</p>

<p>These AI-driven web design tools are just a small selection of what is available to assist in the design process.</p>

Futuristic Minimalism

<p>Minimalism in web design is a classic and enduring idea. It involves simplifying a website's interface by keeping it clean and uncluttered to help users concentrate on the core content of the site. The main goal is to create web designs that are "simple" and "functional."</p>

<p>Minimalism in web design involves focusing on the essential elements necessary to prepare the design for usability.</p>

The illustration displayed depicts a simplistic design found on Pinterest.


Check out some minimalistic designs on Pinterest and Dribble by clicking here and here.

<p>The minimalist design elements like simple lines, plenty of white space, and a restrained color palette create a stylish, clean, and elegant look for your website.</p>

Discussing the aesthetic of a website in minimalism does not mean that futuristic minimalism does not prioritize user experience, as it does while also embracing simple, modern aesthetics.

3D Immersion

P tag retained for original text formatting.

If you have observed that websites are becoming more immersive recently, it is probably because of the growing utilization of 3D elements and VR in web design. The concept of 3D immersion in web design involves creating websites that provide users with a sense of depth and realism. This trend has become quite popular in the last year or so.

<p>Picture yourself visiting a website where instead of just looking at plain images and reading text, you feel like you are stepping into a virtual world or viewing things through an AR/VR device. This can be achieved by incorporating 3D graphics, special effects, and animated elements. Immersing users in a 3D experience adds a feeling of depth, making the website's features more engaging and true to life.</p>

Check out the Avir 3D scroll website. When you scroll through this homepage, you will see how it creates a realistic experience. Users feel like they are not just browsing the page, but actually "experiencing" it.

The video shown below gives a brief look at the Avir website.

<p>Web designers employ methods such as scaling, rotation, horizontal scrolling, and parallax scrolling to create a 3D-like experience. They can also integrate 3D models that allow users to engage with objects displayed on the screen.</p>

3D immersion trend boosts user engagement by providing a memorable virtual browsing experience. It's similar to incorporating virtual reality into the web, making web pages more interactive and visually stimulating.

Users with less powerful devices may experience slow performance or loud fan noises when using this feature, so caution is advised before proceeding unless the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Dark Mode

<p>While dark mode has been around for some time, it has become a popular feature that many users find difficult to live without. Personally, whenever I browse a website, I instinctively search for the dark mode toggle button. Nowadays, numerous websites provide a dark mode option that is tailored to enhance the layout and design of the site. On the other hand, some websites have completely embraced dark mode without offering any alternative.</p>

Using dark mode in web design is a concept that has been around for a while, but it has become more popular in recent times. This is because more people are realizing the advantages of dark mode, especially in terms of the contrast between the content on a web page and the background. An example of a website that implements dark mode well is the Hyre website, as shown below.


<p>Web designers incorporate dark mode into their designs for various reasons:</p>

– Providing relief from eye strain to users. It's important to note that dark mode may actually increase eye strain for certain users, so offering an option to switch it off is optimal.

– Enhanced visual appeal.

– Efficiency in conserving battery life. Studies indicate that utilizing dark mode can help extend battery life as opposed to using light mode.

<p>Using dark mode design can improve visibility in settings with low lighting. For instance, if you grab your phone when you wake up in the morning and turn it on, the bright light can be harsh on your eyes. In such a scenario, utilizing dark mode can offer a more soothing experience.</p>

<p>Due to the positive effects that dark mode has on most users, many web designers are now including dark mode/theme options in their designs. This shows that it is more than just a temporary trend.</p>

Dark mode design may be a preferred choice for some individuals while not appealing to others. To create accessible websites, designers should consider incorporating a toggle option for both dark and light modes, allowing users to choose the theme that works best for them.

A good illustration of a website featuring a dark mode toggle option can be seen on the ProfileMe.dev website shown in the image below.

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<p>Read Tara's article for a deeper insight into designing for dark mode.</p>

Neumorphic Design

Neumorphism, while not a new trend in web design, has gained popularity among web designers in recent years. This design style creates a soft and realistic user interface that is visually appealing. Neumorphic designs often include gentle shadows and subtle gradients, resulting in a soft overall look.


The graphic displayed above showcases the neumorphism kit created by Sayim Abdullah, which is available in the Figma community. It features various neumorphic design elements such as buttons, icons, and search input fields.

<p>Take a look at Sourasith's music app design to understand how neumorphism can be used in designing a web page or web application.</p>

Artistic Typography

Typography that is creative and expressive.

Typography is an important element in creating a visually appealing web design. Designers are becoming more adventurous and innovative in their choices of typography, which includes selecting different font styles, sizes, spacing, colors, contrasts, scaling, alignment, and layout of text.

In order to enhance user experience and connect with their target audience, web designers are exploring different styles of typography and attractive fonts. They use unique typography and fonts to establish brand identities.

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<small>Image credit: Freepik</small>

When creating web pages with creative text, designers need to make sure that the typography is easy to read, clear, and stays the same across the entire page.

<p>Interested in gaining knowledge about Typography? You can explore Jennifer Farley's initial and subsequent writings on typographic readability and legibility.</p>


Micro-interactions are small animations or visual cues on a website or app that help enhance the user experience. These subtle details can make a big difference in how users interact with the interface. They can range from a simple notification icon changing color when clicked to a button animation when hovered over. These small interactions may seem minor, but they play a crucial role in guiding the user and providing feedback on their actions.

<p>Upon visiting a website, you might observe some gentle and seamless movements. These small interactions, referred to as micro-interactions, are designed to enhance the user experience. Examples of such subtle interactions include animated effects, notification pop-ups, floating elements, carousels, and similar features.</p>

<p>From an animated button to a toggle animation, these micro-interactions in web design react to user actions, offer visual cues, direct users, and improve the overall user experience on the site.</p>


<p><small>Image credit: Koru UX design on Dribbble</small></p>

<p>Web designers utilize micro-interactions to enhance user experience by making browsing more interactive and enjoyable.</p>

The Telegram mobile app now features a new animation when users delete a message. Before the message disappears, there is a shimmering effect animation. This is considered a clever use of micro-interaction to make the process of deleting a message more enjoyable.

Micro-interactions consist of four components: trigger, rule, feedback, and loops/modes. These elements are crucial for web designers to consider when incorporating micro-interactions into website designs.


<p>Perhaps you feel overloaded with the latest design trends and would prefer something more straightforward. Maybe the "brutalist" trend aligns better with your preferences.</p>

The brutalist movement in web design draws inspiration from brutalism in architecture and other fields. It emphasizes simplicity and functionality by focusing on content and using minimal HTML and CSS to enhance accessibility and usability.

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<p>Brutalism brings in several innovative concepts to web design. These include ensuring content readability and accessibility on all devices, limiting the response of hyperlinks and buttons to clicks only, and maintaining the functionality of the back button. If you have an interest in radical counterculture, you may find these brutalist web design guidelines intriguing.</p>

Final thoughts

When browsing through a website like MA True Cannabis, you will come across different web design trends like micro-interactions, creative typography, neumorphic designs, and various images.

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<p>Web designers have the ability to creatively blend various web trends to craft a contemporary and original web experience. However, they should be cautious not to excessively incorporate these trends to ensure their designs are visually appealing, engaging, and practical. Essentially, finding a balance between utilizing these trends effectively and avoiding overuse is key.</p>

Web designers need to conduct thorough research, experiment, and think creatively to develop visually appealing and practical designs for websites.

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